About us

Civil Aid Services, U.S.A

29 Bay 25 th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11214
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 130287, New York, NY 10013
www.civilaidservices.com email: info@civilaidservices.com
Tel:212-966-3253 Fax: 212-925-1341


The work of Civil Aid Services (CAS) was officially begun on October 28, 2005 by a group of volunteer community supporters. Their goal is to continue to make the United States of America one of the safest and most stable societies in the world.

The CAS’s mission is to assist governmental agencies in cases of natural disaster, provide emergency aid to the needy, provide for community safety, and other community-related services, including providing first aid and CPR training to our members.

Through specialized training and strict technical programs, volunteers can develop into an excellent, responsible, hardworking and disciplined group who can safeguard residential property and life, and support the government in all safety aspects.

CAS team members take pride in serving, keeping close contact with the local community and in cooperating with other organizations.

“Loyalty, Fearlessness, Determination, Diligence, and Dedication” is the Civil Aid Services motto… ”


Civil Aid Services (CAS) was incorporated on June 14 th ,2005. It was organized by a group of volunteer community supporters.

The Mission

Provide: Emergency Aid, Help For the Needy and Community Service.

CAS Organizational Structure

The principle of CAS is to assist Governmental Agencies in their efforts to maintain social stability and safety.

Decree: In case of Natural Disasters or other emergencies, CAS will provide assistance to the public. During normal thmes, CAS will provide community related services.

Belief: CAS believes that through excellent training and carefully planned programs; we will provide outstanding and enthusiastic volunteers to service the public.


The Mission of CAS is to provide emergency aid, help for the needy, and community services. Our goal is to assist Governmental Agencies during emergencies to provide supplemental assistance to the public.

CAS plans to provide CPR and first aid training to its member and to provide programs to educated the public.

CAS will also assist and develop community programs to benefit the community. We will also offer other assistance for the public in community related problems and services.

Civil Aid Services hopes that all members of the community and it’s leaders, will enthusiastically support our organization and provide valued opinions so that we may rise to the next level of excellence.